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New dimension in art display

New dimension in art display

Clicking on the tab Artists on top of any page at the web site takes you to the block of names of hundreds of artists in western art who have digital images their work held in our site's extensive database., Clicking on the name of any artist who interests you, as listed by their first names, you are taken to the portfolio page of the artist, where a little computer magic happens.

New dimension in art display

Clicking on the tab Artists on top of any page at the web site takes you to the block of names of hundreds of artists in western art who have digital images their work held in our site's extensive database.

Clicking on the name of any artist who interests you, as listed by their first names, you are taken to the portfolio page of the artist, where a little computer magic happens.

Instead of the usual thumbnails of the artists' paintings and other work ,displayed on the page to be seen and selected by slow scrolling, the thumbnails in this case magically float on the web page in a convenient 3D display for you.

As your mouse moves, the artwork moves around with it to help you browse better. Pause the mouse on a little painting and it grows conveniently larger, so that the details in them are clearer. Move the mouse a little more and the whole procession of all the works of the artist, that was automatically scrolling past, pause for you to examine individual ones.

For some artists, their work is displayed in mid-air in a square arrangement, as if hanging on gallery walls made of glass that one can walk in between and around the floating paintings.

For other artists, the float paintings turn around a round pillar, as above.


In another 3D display, the paintings hang on a large wall, being admired by virtual viewers, who move aside according to your mouse movements, to let you pop up the thumbnails larger and able to be clicked through to the separate web page for that particular painting.


Click any of the works and you are taken to a place where the painting is shown in a larger size, already framed and hanging on the wall.

New computer technology is being very cleverly used here by Who could have imagined that old masterpieces of western art would one day be displayed in this way, for an audience around the world to see in this easy way?

Who would have imagined that this international audience can then, with a few clicks of their mouse, order the images of artwork to be reproduced as high-quality archival canvas prints to be delivered to their home or office and to decorate and inspire further from there.

That old hand-painted artwork can be very accurately recreated again, in all its colorful splendor, as big inkjet-printed images on canvas is an amazing fact in itself, when we consider it.


What can the new technology help you find?



Clicking the Artists tab at the top of a web page at takes you once again to the big list of artists. Click on the name of the great Pablo Picasso, for example, and his 3D portfolio presents itself to you.

In Picasso's case, his paintings stand in a line that appears to lead into the 3D distance, as if one is strolling through at leisure a vast gallery space.

Among the familiar masterpieces, you may be struck by beauty and the restful blue of this Portrait of a young girl.

Her beautiful face can be seen from more than one perspective, as if her face is turning.

A lover of the female form and sensuality, Pablo Ruiz y Picasso (1881-1973) was a Spanish painter and artistic all-rounder who spent most of his life in France.

He was one of the most influential artists of the 20th century who helped launch the Cubist movement, and produced a huge output of work that have become a priceless heritage for our world.

His painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) shows the route taken by himself, and others like Georges Braque, towards an experimental Cubist view of the world.

His large masterpiece Guernica (1937) is filled with the direct emotions of someone witnessing and experiencing the bombing of the town of Guernica by the German Air Force during the Spanish Civil War.

Picasso stands next to Henri Matisse and Marcel Duchamp as revolutionary artists who advanced the boundary of the plastic arts in first decades of the 20th century into brand new territory, and laid the firm foundation for our contemporary art practice and appreciation.

Showing extraordinary artistic talent from his early years in painting realistic work, the enterprising artist experimented eagerly,and with much freedom.

Picasso's avant-garde artistic accomplishments were fortunately recognized during his life time and brought him universal fame and a huge fortune.


Georges Braque

Picasso's Cubist compatriotGeorges Braque (1882-1963) was born on Argenteuil in France. Growing up inLe Havre, Braque worked as a house painter like his father and grandfather before him.

At the École des Beaux-Arts in Le Havre, Braque learned more artistic painting in evening classes after work. He was still working as a decorator in Paris in 1902 while studying more fine art at night.

His painting Head of a woman above, and other paintings in the years between 1908–1913,recorded Braque's Cubist exploration.

The woman here looks like she is formed out of wood or brown earth with her facial features being solid and weighty.

The new Cubism movement experimented with geometry and simultaneous perspective.

Braque's paintings, such as Houses at l'Estaque, show the artist's deep study of the effects of light and perspective on objects and scenery. He studied in depth what techniques painters have used to show these effects on canvas.

His rural village scenes, for example, are reduced to geometric forms, with houses becoming convenient architectural cubes. Shadingsin the paintings werealso used to make scenes and objects somehow look both flat and three-dimensional at the same time.

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